This Is War
We are indisputably in the throes of a cultural and political cold civil war in this country between conservatives and liberals, with the conservatives, who are in a minority, currently having a winning hand for the first time in a long time by controlling both houses of Congress and the White House. Although nothing new, this war seems to be progressively escalating to a dangerous level. This has clearly been fed by Trump’s unprecedented incendiary and divisive (not to mention xenophobic and probably racist) campaign and subsequent presidency, with nonstop intentional cultural warmongering by Trump purely for political gain at the expense of the unity and welfare of the country. His inflammatory reelection campaign rallies at an absurdly early time in his first term, his efforts to undermine our own intelligence services in order to prop up his narrative of no collusion with Russia, his constant attacks on a free press critical of him, his cozying up to Putin and other dictators and his attempts to use executive powers to punish his political opponents are all dangerous actions which, although not in the legal sense, are in spirit treasonous and anti-American. The real enemy of the American people, in my biased and partisan (but probably majority) opinion, is Trump himself. And for the most part, Republicans in Congress have sold their souls to Trump, no matter what he says or does. However, although I find it amazing, a large minority in this country for some reason thinks their hero Trump is doing a great job and blindly believes everything this lying con man says, over the press, over our own intelligence services and over anyone who criticizes or contradicts him. These same people are either blind to Trump’s own colossal faults or just don’t care as long as their political and/or cultural agenda is being served. It is very sad that this civil war which Trump is doing everything possible to stoke and exploit could at least figuratively tear this country apart. Unfortunately at this point it seems that the only weapon the anti-Trump factions have, aside from hoping that the media continues to hold Trump’s feet to the fire and that the Mueller investigation comes up with impeachable offences, is the ballot box in November and then in 2020. Also very unfortunately, Democratic political victories including flipping the House and/or Senate and eventually the White House will really do nothing to dampen the escalating cultural and political tribalism and tribal warfare, which seem to be here to stay for the foreseeable future and which, with the help of Trump, may well be hastening our inevitable eventual national decline and downfall. That is beyond sad.