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(Toy?) Drum Roll Please!

Well, the rumor is that the Mueller investigation is actually wrapping up, with the report soon to be delivered to the new AG!! This is BIG news, but will the reality live up to our collective fantasy?? Although we have all been waiting anxiously for the results, it is far from clear whether the public and even most of Congress will ever get to seethe report, beyond a summary version composed by Trump’s new hand-picked Attorney General, who was pretty evasive about releasing the report during his confirmation hearings! It is also an indication that there will probably be no more indictments coming from the special prosecutor, meaning no indictments of Don Junior, Kushner or any other high level operators, which is both a massive disappointment and a suggestion of much less fire related to conspiracy with Russians than we all expected from the amount of publicly visible smoke! Thankfully with the Democrats now controlling the House, there would be ways for them to get at least key parts of the report disseminated, if necessary through subpoenas of Barr and/or Mueller. And leaks are very likely, of course!  Also, the multiple congressional investigations are really just getting started, and based on the aggregate findings of the Mueller report and congressional investigations, impeachment is still a real possibility. And then of course there are the continuing spinoff federal investigations such as of Trump’s porn star payoff, businesses, inauguration committee, etc., which have significant potential for continuing embarrassing and criminal results. We are all figuratively holding our collective breath at this point!