The Fog of Trump

Trump Fog


Well, the first shoe or shoes in the Mueller investigation have left the feet and are on a slow motion descent to the floor! The suspense is awful as we wait to find out who was indicted and on what charges. The speculation is on Paul Manafort and/or Michael Flynn, although it is very possible that the charges will not be directly related to collusion or Russian meddling, rather related to financial crimes and/or lying on federal disclosure forms and/or to investigators. 

Meanwhile, possibly sensing an impending indictment, the Trump administration fog machine and its cronies have been working overtime for the past week to resurrect a controversy about sales of uranium interests to Russia in 2010 when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, and to actually conflate DNC and Clinton campaign funding of the company that produced the Russian dossier to possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia and with the recently disclosed Trump campaign‘s voter data analysis company’s CEO directly contacting WikiLeaks. Never mind that the uranium deal was a unanimous decision by NINE government agencies, of which the State Department was only one, and that the uranium in question has never left the country since there is no export license! And never mind that it was Republican entities that started the opposition research that led to the dossier!  Trump has actually accused HC of collusion with the Russians without a single shred of evidence, even as he continues to call the entire Russia investigation a hoax and witch hunt! It is a shame that this sort of distraction and muddying of the waters is actually effective with a significant number of people who do not closely follow the news, or who are inclined to believe our liar-in-chief, and who will be led to think that this is just a he-said-she-said situation, rather than what it actually is, part of a pervasive political cover up. And once again, the Trump surrogates are all out there, loyally spouting their Clinton conspiracy talking points without any evidence, trying to make it seem like everyone does more or less the same things in campaigns, or that the Democrats are even more underhanded than Trump’s campaign! Meanwhile, is ANYONE in our government actually trying to DO anything to make sure that the Russians don’t pull the same stunts in our next elections?? It is certain that Trump will never do anything in that regard, since he can’t even acknowledge that it happened in 2016! One would like to hope that at least Congress can be unified enough to do something, although I’m not putting any money on that horse! Also meanwhile, the Trump administration has missed the deadline to impose the sanctions on Russia that were nearly unanimously passed by Congress!  Stay tuned!!

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