Reality TV-White House: Enough Drama Already!!
Another week, another scandal, so what else is new?! This week it is White House domestic abuse week, with Trump et al defending the abusers because they say they are innocent, just like Trump himself. Totally tone deaf in the current environment, but what else is new? And now it looks like John Kelly has one foot on a banana peel. Can you just imagine what the Republican and Fox "News" reaction would be to things like this if they happened in an Obama or Hillary Clinton administration? They would be jumping up and down and howling for blood! Plus we had an added bonus of the assistant deputy attorney general Rachel Brand announcing her resignation after only nine months, leaving an opening which could be filled by Trump with a political flunky in an acting capacity without Senate confirmation, who could then oversee and possibly fire Robert Mueller if Rod Rosenstein then gets the boot. The whole Washington atmosphere feels like a political war zone to an unprecedented extent, with the White House leading the war. And we are still only just over one year into this disastrous administration! I cannot even imagine what it will feel like two or three years from now, other than total political emotional exhaustion! The danger is that more and more people will get so turned off that they will tune it out and thereby let them get away with it. Maybe that is part of their strategy, although they are more likely just trying to confuse and distract everyone, with the battle fatigue just a fortunate byproduct for them. I predict things will seem really dull and boring by comparison after we put this appalling administration behind us, and I am really looking forward to it!